Advice & Info
answers to questions you didn't even know you had.
The following information is provided for educational purposes in an effort to clarify what can often be a confusing and daunting subject. Some information may contain opinions, and therefore should not be taken as absolute fact. With that said, we believe there are no inaccuracies in what we have written, but should any be found please let us know so that we may correct it immediately.
Here's a glossary of Internet terms which we hope will help.
- .asp: file extension for an Active Server Page. This is a web page generated dynamically with information from a database and requires ASP to be installed on the server.
- browser: a program (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari) used to view web pages
- .cfm: file extension for ColdFusion Markup Language, the programming language used by Bauhaus Studios to build dynamic web pages that automatically draw their content from a database.
- .co or .com: indicates a commercial domain name
- domain name: a unique name that identifies a web site
- file extension: the part of a file name that indicates the type of file. It is usually three letters and follows the "." in the filename.
- FTP: (File Transfer Protocol) the system by which files are transferred between a PC connected to the Internet and an http server
- .gif: file extension for an image file using the GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) format which is used for simple, non-photographic images
- .gov: indicates a government domain name
- hit: every file a browser opens in order to display a web page counts as a hit. Since every web page usually contains any number of images as well as the text (and each images counts as a hit), the number of hits generated by one user can vary greatly.
- hosting: websites are hosted, or stored, on a computer (an http server) that is permanently connected to the Internet with special software that allows it to be seen by anyone connected to the Internet at any time.
- homepage: the first page of a website
- PHP: another programming language used to build dynamic web pages that automatically draw their content from a database.
- search engine: a web site that you can use to try to find web pages that include certain words
- .htm or .html: file extension for a static web page, which does not dynamically contain information from a database
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language is the simple fundemental programming language used to build web pages.
- http: HyperText transfer Protocol is the system by which HTML pages (web pages) are transferred between an http server and a browser
- http server: a computer permanently connected to the Internet on which web sites are stored and accessed
- Internet: the entire network of the world's interconnected computers including those used for purposes other than the www
- ISP: Internet Service Provider - a company (like Roadrunner or Comcast) that can provide you with access to the Internet and an email address
- .jpg or .jpeg: file extension for an image file using the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format which is used for photographic images
- name server: a computer permanently connected to the Internet that lists domain names and the locations of their respective web sites (also know as DNS or "Domain Name Server")
- .org: indicates an organization domain name
- URL: (Uniform Resource Locator) what you type into your browser in order to display a web page - the URL of this page is
- www: (World Wide Web) the network of computers (and computer networks) used to host web sites, domain names, and various other Internet resources